Help! I need somebody...
As we skid towards the festive season at supersonic speed, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and exhausted. Ask anyone how they are doing, inevitable response:
“I am soooo stressed, I just need a break!!”
Have you ever stopped to think about that statement? It doesn’t even make sense. How can you be exhausted at least a month before your two week break and think that two weeks will be some kind of magical elixir that sees you rejuvenated and ready to take on 2023 with great gusto? That two-week break is bound to be fraught with overspending, crazy traffic, the odd bit of family drama and no doubt, a few overindulgences.
The time to take care of yourself and your mindset is always NOW.
Take a deep breath, step back from the minutia of your daily life and zoom out.
Zoom out from the collective hysterical psyche and look at the bigger picture of what you want to achieve. Being caught up in the nuts and bolts of the machine inevitably has you working really hard and more than likely, really hard on the wrong things.
Every morning, before you reach for your cell and start scrolling, write down 3 things you must get done that day that will really move the needle on your goals. Once the day hits, it is easy to be swept up into everyone else’s agenda. Having the list keeps you focused on what matters most to you. Every evening, review your list and make sure you ticked all 3 tasks off. Your life will grow in unexpectedly delightful ways!
Looking for ideas?
Call three estate agents to discuss trends in the area you are investigating
Trawl through to look for property price movements to see if they stack up with the feedback you received from the agents
Read a book that will improve your knowledge (I know a fabulous author you could try out…#justsaying)
Get to the gym or go for a walk in a park
Call someone you love and tell them how much you appreciate them
Aim to eat healthily. That means reaching for an apple instead of that chocolate you are unwrapping sneakily under your desk – I see you 😊
Taking care of yourself and your dreams is not something we just magically start doing from 1 Jan. It is something we do every day, regardless of what the calendar says. Small, consistent daily steps towards your goals is what gets you there.
Aristotle said it best: We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.