Do you long for financial freedom, fun and a rich, juicy, joyous, dream life? Well, you are in the right place!

Family · Speaking · Gratitude · Training · Inspiration · Writing · Wealth · Property
Hi! I am Tanya. I am an award-winning professional speaker, a bestselling author and trainer.
I used to drag myself through the 9 to 5 grind, believing trading my time for money was the only way to wealth. And besides, everyone else is doing it so it must be the only way.
Right? Wrong!
Six months pregnant with our second daughter, I was called into a meeting room with all my colleagues and publicly retrenched. I was absolutely devastated, inconsolable. Eventually my devastation was replaced with steely resolve. Never again would a boss decide whether my family and I had money at the end of the month. Never again would I be dependent on one source of income.
Through extensive soul searching, a bazillion hours of training and mentoring, I discovered there ARE plenty of ways to make and grow money. Yay!
People often lose their health chasing wealth. What if there was a way to become wealthy while taking care of your most precious asset, YOU!
Work with me and discover the simple effective steps you can take to create wealth and wellness with ease.
I love to spend time with my family, travel, connect with like-minded people and relax on beautiful beaches - preferably in a hammock sipping cocktails!
I’m so grateful to be on this path. Come and join me.
Immediate Past President of the Carpe Diem Toastmasters Club, Certified Competent Leader and Competent Communicator, Winner of Club and Area speech contest 2021, Winner of Table Topics at club and Area level 2009
I travelled extensively around South Africa teaching people how to invest in property in South Africa using the principles and philosophies of Robert Kiyosaki.
Becoming your Best is an internationally acclaimed leadership programme, focused on developing high performance organisations. The "12 Principles of Highly Successful Leaders", will equip your team with high performance leadership skills and guide them as they develop and execute business plans, designed to increase productivity and improve employee engagement.
During my interviews on Business Day TV, I shared strategies on how to secure financing for your first investment property.
Do you dream of:
making money while you sleep?
of being able to make money on your own terms?
starting a business that can support a life you love?
If you are ready to make your business dream a reality, choose one of my interactive video-based training programs that teaches smart, effective strategies to generate wealth and financial security, while having fun!

Property investing for women. So you can take control of your financial destiny. Just bricks, no bullshit. Because a love affair with knowledge will never end in heartache.
Looking for success and freedom? You need a road map and courage to chase your big, audacious dream.

Discover how to grow skills in your child that will GUARANTEE their financial security in the future.

The Explore Play series provides creative ideas for ways to include play in your day from birth to 12 months.

The Explore Play games will engage and delight your baby aged
12 to 24 months.