Mindset Matters

Hello wonderful people!
Here is your weekly dose of inspiration, education and a list of what I’m enjoying or pondering.
I travel around South Africa training people how to invest in property. I see room after room packed with people who look at me hopefully, waiting for me to dish out something like an easy 5 Step Plan they can follow to reach financial freedom.
I start the weekend shattering illusions. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it.
“Why do you want to be invest in property?"
”To be RICH!!! is the loudest response.
Then I ask “WHY do you want to be rich?
”Silence. Everyone stares at me incredulously. Surely rich is a goal in itself? No explanation needed. After all, money fixes everything.
Does it? We all know a story of someone who hit it rich, won the lottery, inherited a fortune. Within one short year, they lost all the money they got. We explain it away by saying easy come, easy go. As if money needs to be worked HARD for. No blood sweat and tears = no money for you.So, if I were to teach you how to make LOADS of money through property, would you know how to hold onto it? Make it grow?
Chances are not. Not without a money mindset change.Let’s begin at the very beginning. Mindset is the foundation for your property investing journey. Let’s dig those foundations deep and make sure they are solid. Then, brick by brick, we will keep building until you have the knowledge and ability to go out there, create great wealth AND make that wealth work for you.
Sound good? Great, let’s get started.

Mindset is essential, if you don’t have the right mindset, you might make it through the first couple of deals only to falter at a later stage. I like to think of mindset as a method, a proven process that continually yields positive results.
Changing your mindset may take you more time or less than the person beside you. But that’s not the point. This is your journey and the point is that this works if you do. We are all looking for a quick fix or an easy solution. This method is not that (because, frankly, I don’t believe such a thing exists).
But if you follow this process, I promise you one thing:
If you do the work, you will see results.
Here are six areas you need to focus on first:
ALIGNMENT: Your thoughts, words and actions need to be aligned.
BALANCE: work, health, money, family. You are a whole person and need to pay attention to all areas of your life. Keep your feet firmly planted on the ground so you don’t fall over when pushed. And you will be pushed!
CONFIDENCE: to be able to say what you think, negotiate for what you want, feel and do is aligned. Standing up for what you want is not always easy.
JOY: a person who is happy exudes power. You just love getting up, excited about what the new day holds for you. You shine your light brightly and have loads of energy.
ORDER: paperwork is in order; everything has a place and actually lives in that place. If you can’t find anything and everything is cluttered, it creates havoc in your mind and drains your energy. Get your affairs in order, inside and out. Look at your diet, are you treating your body like the temple of life it is? What are you eating?
WISDOM: to make the right choices in life, know when to say yes and know when to say no.
“But Tanya, this has nothing to do with property!” I hear you cry. Actually, my dear friends, it has EVERYTHING to do with property. Read next week’s blog to find out more…
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WHAT I AM READING: Suze Orman’s Tips For Your Money Life
Suze Orman is a global phenomenon in the money world! She travels extensively teaching people how to take control of their finances and live prosperous lives.
She is incredible, I love her no-nonsense, practical advice and I think you will too! Click on the image on the left to read more.

I am looking for volunteers to help me with my next book on property investing!
If you are a woman who is interested in property investing + prepared to read + provide constructive feedback on one chapter a month, email me on tanya@tanyahaffern.co.za.
Did you know I run workshops on:
DEALING WITH RETRENCHMENT: Understand how to navigate the nightmare of retrenchment with confidence and create a new life on your own terms
HOW TO PRESENT POWERFULLY: Learn how to communicate your message with confidence and ease.
FINANCIAL WELLNESS: Learn how to build wealth, budget, save, and invest properly, formulate a workable plan to get you out of debt as quickly as possible, know your financial status and understand where your money goes and so much more!
MORNING RITUALS: The way you begin your day has a profound impact upon you feel and how your day flows for you. Learn how to experience life in a peak state most of the time, and you will experience more joy, fulfillment and success as a result.
Contact me on tanya@tanyahaffern.co.za to find out more!
Want to work with me online as we take your dream into reality?
Work with me over three months from anywhere in the world as you learn how to create additional streams of income with ease! The course is hosted on Teachable which is easy to navigate and beautiful to behold. True story :-)
Contact me on tanya@tanyahaffern.co.za to learn more or click on the image to watch an informative video now!

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Escaping Corporate for regular FB lives, daily posts and loads of inspiration!
Click on the image on the left to buy a copy of my best selling book, ESCAPING CORPORATE BONDAGE.
You can order a signed paperback copy by emailing me on tanya@tanyahaffern.co.za
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