What is the point of chasing wealth if you have no health?

What is the point of chasing wealth if you have no health?

Since Thursday last week, I have been standing at my mother's bedside in the CCU (cardiac care unit) during visiting hours. Holding her hand, trying to comfort her, reassure her that this will pass.
It has been interesting to observe my reactions. Some days I want to change my diet to juicing spinach and kale while lying in an ozone bath meditating and other days, I just want to drown my fears in a bottle of wine.
Yesterday, while sitting in the waiting room for one of the many doctors attending to her to see us, I picked up an Afrikaans magazine and attempted to read it. I could sort of make out the story line - the pictures helped - but the details were not very clear to me. It occurred to me that life feels like that at the moment. I can kind of get what's going on but not really. When you have a big shock or are in a very stressful situation, your brain shuts down certain functions and gets on with the important business of keeping you alive. I find myself dropping balls and not being focused, way less productive than usual.
And that's OK.
At times like these, all we can do is rest, take care of ourselves mentally and physically and most importantly, focus on a positive outcome. Everything else is secondary.
When you are out there chasing great wealth for yourself, don't forget that your health is in fact your greatest wealth.
Perhaps you have been threatening to exercise, to change your diet, to get more sleep, to spend more time with your loved ones, to tell them how much they mean to you and how much you love them.
Let this be your reminder that the time to do all that is NOW.
WHAT I AM READING: The Power of Now: Eckhart Tolle

I have been following the teachings of Eckhart Tolle for many years. If you have ever listened to him speak, you'll know that he is not charismatic or charming, in fact his voice is quite hypnotic - dare I say dull. Yet his message is something we all desperately need to hear in a world that is filled with people struggling with depression, self loathing and crippling fear. I am finding such comfort through his words and his constant reminders to come back to NOW, focus on NOW, NOW is all there is and all there ever will be gives me the strength to be present for the people who need me now, the strength to find moments of peace in the "nothingness" of the mind.
Get it, listen to it or read it. I can guarantee you that at some point in your journey through this life, you are going to need it!

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Did you know I present talks on:
WORK LIFE BALANCE FOR WOMEN: My keynote address discussing ideas and suggestions on how to create the elusive balance we all chase!
FINANCIAL WELLNESS: Learn how to build wealth, budget, save, and invest properly, formulate a workable plan to get you out of debt as quickly as possible, know your financial status and understand where your money goes and so much more!
HOW TO PRESENT POWERFULLY: Learn how to communicate your message with confidence and ease.
DEALING WITH RETRENCHMENT: Understand how to navigate the nightmare of retrenchment with confidence and create a new life on your own terms
MORNING RITUALS: The way you begin your day has a profound impact upon you feel and how your day flows for you. Learn how to experience life in a peak state most of the time, and you will experience more joy, fulfillment and success as a result.
Contact me on tanya@tanyahaffern.co.za to find out more!
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