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How To Be An Expert Juggler!

Do you often find yourself scrambling to stay on top of your life? Does Monday feel like you are perched at the top of a steep ski slope? All you can do is take a deep breath, shuffle to the edge, close your eyes and SWOOSH! The week blurs by at break neck speed then dumps you unceremoniously in an exhausted heap on Friday afternoon.

How do we conserve our cognitive energy for dealing with the information laden decision overloaded environment we find ourselves immersed in?

These little hacks help me stay on top of (most!) things!

  • Have a different bag for each occasion

  • When I travel, I need my identity documents, vitamins, rescue tablets (because nervous flyer!) notepad and pen (because who knows when inspiration strikes!)

  • When I go to clients where I consult, I need my access card and notepad for that particular client (because passwords!)

  • For gym, I need a towel, training clothes, gym card – you get the idea!

  • Set up routines for the non-negotiables in your life. This ensures you get through the things that matter to you, in my case, health, family and friends – before the rest of the world crowds your time out!

  • Every Monday afternoon, I go for a long walk on the golf course with our daughters. Since I am often away on weekends, this is our special time to bond and catch up while enjoying the beautiful outdoors

  • Every Monday evening, I meet with my husband and property business partner, Quentin. We discuss our portfolio and make sure everything is on track

  • I run every Tuesday and Thursday morning with a great group of girls. We chat so much it hardly feels like exercise!

  • Plan weekly menus

  • Consider how much time and energy is consumed thinking about what to feed the family I have devised a simple plan that makes grocery shopping easier and week night meals a dream. In general, Mondays = roast chicken. Tuesdays = mince taco. Wednesday = chicken wraps and so on. You can vary the ingredients and sides for each of the dishes to add variety. Besides, if you are anything like me, the chance of you eating at home every single night every single week is slim. Add to that the extensive variety of weekend meals thanks to braais, friends and functions - you hardly need to worry about food boredom!

  • Plan your wardrobe in advance:

  • So many people say Urgh, I’d find it so tedious knowing what I am wearing on Friday when it is only Monday! But let me assure you, that perceived tedium is far outweighed by the lack of standing surrounded by a pile of clothes you have discarded in frustration because NOTHING fits! Nothing looks good! I have NOTHING to wear!

  • Take your earphones EVERYWHERE!

  • I use Audible to churn through an astonishing amount of audio books. I often find myself sitting on the edge of a pool watching a gala or in a hall watching a gymnastics display. What better use of the time than to plug into listening to an audio book while waiting for our children to perform? Standing in a queue at home affairs, driving, waiting for a friend to join you for coffee, the list of WAITING goes on and on. Try it, you’ll be amazed by how much time you steal back!

  • Onenote

  • I love this app! Download it on your cell and your laptop so your TO DO list follows you everywhere. Create a different page for shopping, admin, personal goals etc and then track your progress easily and efficiently.

While I am a big fan of:

  • being present in the moment

  • savouring every new experience that life delivers to me

I also know that without a plan and a schedule, days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months and the years fly by. That’s why people who work the same 9–5 job for 40 years feel like “the years went by so quick!”

Take a long hard look at your life and your priorities. First you shape your habits and then your habits shape you. So ask yourself, “What specific habits of thought and action can help me the most to perform at my best and become excellent in my field?”

I look forward to your comments as to how you live your best life!





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